About Ericsson Safe Worker
With preventable occupational incidents and illnesses causing almost 2 million deaths and 3 trillion USD in costs every year across the globe, smarter solutions and technologies are crucial for improving workplace safety. The idea to develop Safe Worker originated when our own tower safety experts and AI engineers came together with a mutual passion to save lives by eliminating preventable workplace deaths and injuries using smart technology.
On a mission to increase worker safety
Meet the team

Vivek Gnanavelu
Head of Safe Worker
Vivek is passionate about technology. He has a track record of leading quality end-to-end AI projects at scale being used within Ericsson today. Vivek believes that using AI to save lives and improve worker safety is of paramount importance.
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Serdar Sahin
Head of Business Ops
Serdar has a background in complex systems integration and operations. One of the first recruits to join Ericsson ONE, our incubation program for employee-led innovation, Serdar has helped drive multiple innovation projects.
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Steven Strickland
Head of BD and Sales
Steven is responsible for developing and driving enterprise sales by leveraging partnerships and channels within Ericsson. He believes taking Safe Worker to industries like telecom and construction will save lives.
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Ali Awais
Head of Product and Development
Ali possesses a background in consulting, software development, systems integration, and design. During his time at Ericsson, he has undertaken several automation focused initiatives and was a key member in Routes IU.
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